sábado, 2 de maio de 2015

My entire life I fought obesity and today I can say I reached my goal , thanks to all who helped me in this trajectory love you all ..! Blog Health Tips Weight Loss.

See the story of Alessandra Freitas,   Blog Health tips Weight loss. So all my life fought against overweight and obesity. I tried for several medications and even got to schedule a bariatric surgery, but God did not allow me to do. For many years, I had follow-psychologists for me to accept me fat because nothing made me lose weight. Reaching 114kls in 2014, reaching a journey of work, I found a friend who was chubby super slim. Amazed !!!! And I asked: "Are you sick?" lol ... He smiled and said: "Diet Princess!" lol ... "Dukan Diet". Well, I started to research everything about that such a diet, and often came across crying seeing testimonials from people who were able to rescue her beauty and self-esteem. Dai started to write everything down, printing tips, menus, bought all I could eat in the first round and I started. first month, less 10 kls ... Wow !!!! I did not give up more. Completed eight months April 28, threw out 34 kls. Often I stopped going to parties, social, suppressed me in a body she hated, not related me with men because I felt ugly and saw women dressed in women and I always jeans and baggy shirts. Today wear dresses, cross your legs and am happy !!!! Very happy !!!! Today, I am an example for many people, and help many people feel the need to spread my knowledge and see people felizes.Blog food Frozen Diet already


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