terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2015


1. SYMPATHY - For surely there is no more friendly women than they arrive with a smile, no sulking, no stress of complicated relationships. They are company for you to feel good and have fun.
2. SAFETY - They know they do not need a man to survive and, better than that, trust 'in the club itself. " They do not care about the opinions of others, simply because it does not affect them.
3. debauchery / FREEDOM - Yes, men like that kind of freedom that 'piriguetes' offer. They do not care if you will call the next day, took wanting to go to bed with you today, she goes and ready.
4. DESENVOLTURA - Well, let's agree that if you are seeking a relationship 'intimate' more interesting, they know how to give you that. Has no sameness and men appreciate it in them.
5. CHALLENGE - 'Catch' piriguete one is easy, but what to keep? Have you tried? Yes, men feel sharp by the challenge of keeping them around, which is very difficult, given that they like the life of freedom, that's what makes them different from others.
6. Objectivity - Go straight to the point, is not goofing off or 'mimimi'.
7. PERSONALITY - They have their own style, think with their own heads, not afraid to be who they are.

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